Terms of Enrolment (Policy Agreement and Informed Consent)



-        Students are required to miss no more than 2 classes per term unless in exceptional circumstances which must be discussed with the Director.

 -        If the student elects to continue classes from Term 3, the student agrees that they are committing to attend classes for the remainder of the dance year, miss no more than 2 classes per term, and perform in the end of year performance (for students in classes required to perform in the end of year performance).  Students who commit to sitting Exams are required to follow through and take their Exam.

 -        Absences will be for reasonable cause only and the student/caregiver agrees to advise the Director or class teacher in advance by text, email or phone call.

 -        Failure to attend the required minimum of classes may result in the student no longer being allowed to attend classes and no longer being eligible to perform in the end of year performance, at the Director’s sole discretion.

 -        It is very important that students arrive on time for their classes. Consistent lateness to class may result in the student no longer being able to attend classes, at the Director’s sole discretion.

Breaks/Extra Classes

-        Classes generally run to the school term (8-10 weeks). There will be no classes on public holidays.

 -        Extra classes will be held prior to exams and the end of year performance.  These classes are compulsory for all relevant students.

 Payment Policy

-        Term 1/Students first term: All fees are to be paid strictly within the first 3 weeks of term.

 -        Subsequent terms: You will be invoiced in the 3rd to last week of the previous term. All fees are to be paid strictly by the first Friday of the School Holidays prior to the start of term.

 -        A late fee of $20 (on top of the term fee) will be charged for fees not paid on time, without exception.  The late fee is payable within 1 week of receipt of an invoice.

-        Unpaid fees may, at the Directors discretion, result in a student being unable to continue classes for the remainder of the year.

 -        Fees may be paid by automatic payment.  If you wish to pay by automatic payment, an AP form must be filled out, signed and returned to the Accounts Manager by the following:

Term 1/Students first term - no later than the second week of term. The first payment must be processed no later than the third week of term.

All subsequent terms - the second to last week of the previous term. The first payment must be made by the first Friday of the holidays prior to the start of term.

 -         If the first payment is not processed ­­by the due date then the $20 late fee will apply.  A $10 admin fee will be charged for each missed payment as per the signed AP form. All term fees paid by AP must be paid in full by the last week of term.

 -        Any required Costumes Fees for the end of year performance will be $40 per dance (2 dances per class except for Preschool) and will be payable in Term 3 as required and invoiced.

 -        You agree to communicate any concerns or problems immediately to the Director/Accounts Manager in these matters.

 Dance Class Attire

 -         It is very important that all students come to every class in appropriate dance clothing and shoes.

 -        Jazz and Contemporary students are required to wear the ELEVATEdance Exam Tee, black bike pants or plain black tights to all classes.  Jazz shoes are required for Jazz classes and foot undies/bare feet are required for Contemporary classes.

 -       Hip Hop Students (Juniorjammers to High School) are required to wear the required Uniform to class. This Uniform consists of the ELEVATEdance Hip Hop Top, black bikepants, black tights, black shorts or black pants. In cooler months dancers will be able to wear a plain black long sleeved top under their Hip Hop Top, or an Elevate hoodie/long sleeve. All students must wear street shoes or sneakers to class. Please note that hotpants/short shorts are not acceptable attire as they impact on the students ability to dance freely and without reservation. 

 -        All students must have their hair tied up when they come to class.


-        There are no refunds for missed classes.

 -        There are no refunds on Term Fees if the student leaves during the term. There are no refunds on Costume Fees if the student leaves prior to the end of year performance.


-        You agree to images/videos of your child/yourself (if student over 18 years) being used for the publicity/marketing purposes of ELEVATEdance including but not limited to its Website, Social Media, YouTube, ads and newspaper articles.


 -        The student is voluntarily agreeing to participate in ELEVATEdance classes.  In order to participate, the student must be in good health, and be able to engage in physical activity in the form of dance for the duration of the specified class.  Agreeing to this Informed Consent means that the student has sound health, that they are aware of any health issues, and have clearly communicated these to ELEVATEdance.

 -        At any time during a dance class that pain or injury occurs, it is the students responsibility to inform the teacher.  The student has the right to stop participating in a class any time any unusual pain or symptoms occur.  By agreeing to this Informed Consent, the Parent/Caregiver/student (if over 18) agrees to assume all risk associated with participation in dance class, and releases ELEVATEdance from any liability resulting from dancing, and hereby indemnify and hold harmless ELEVATEdance, taking sole responsibility for any injury sustained.

 -        Students are required to bring any appropriate medication (e.g. inhalers) to every class

 -        By agreeing to this Informed Consent the Parent/Guardian is aware that it is their responsibility to ensure the safety of their child before and after class.  Teachers of ELEVATEdance are not held responsible for the student outside of class times.